DLG awards for Tirol Milch and Schärdinger in 2018
At this year’s quality inspection by DLG in Germany, Tirol Milch won five gold medals and four silver medals, while Schärdinger was awarded two gold medals.
DLG awards stand for the highest levels of quality and high confidence, with expert testing of the highest standard. Surveys and studies conducted by renowned market research companies confirm the high level of awareness and acceptance of the DLG awards.
The DLG tests assess the quality of products without any knowledge of the manufacturer, the name of the product or its price. All of the products that receive awards must pass laboratory tests along with preparation, packaging and labelling assessments.
Gold for
- Tirol Milch Alpzirler
- Tirol Milch Weinzirler
- Tirol Milch Tiroler Adler
- Tirol Milch Hay Milk Emmentaler smoked
- Tirol Milch Alpine Farm Tilsiter sliced cheese
- Schärdinger Moosbacher
- Schärdinger Kärntner cheese wheel
Tiroler Adler is a mountain cheese that is left to mature for nine months, which gives it a particularly strong and piquant flavour. Tiroler Adler is treated with fine red cultures.
Tiroler Alpzirler is a Tyrolean hard cheese speciality made using only the finest Tyrolean alpine farm milk. It has a ripening period of at least six months.
Another Tyrolean cheese speciality is Tirol Milch Weinzirler, which is refined with red wine after its six-week ripening period.
In Schärdinger Moosbacher, the master cheese makers have united the sweetness of a large-eyed cheese with the tanginess of red cultures. Moosbacher is enclosed in a specially made linen cloth.
Red culture ripening gives the Schärdinger Kärntner Rahmlaib cheese wheel a slightly tangy to piquant and spicy flavour.
4 x Siler for
- Tirol Milch Kitzbüheler Moutain Cheese
- Tirol Milch Tiroler Urtyroler
- Tirol Milch Tiroler Felsenkeller
- Tirol Milch Tiroler Moutain Cheese
Tirol Milch Urtyroler is also made using only the finest Tirolean alpine farm milk. This premium mountain cheese speciality is matured for at least 12 months. This gives it an incomparably strong & piquant, savoury flavour.
Tyrolean Felsenkeller cheese allows itself around 200 days and 200 nights to mature in the stone cellars of Kitzbühel. The climate in the natural stone cellars makes this cheese truly unique.
All of these cheese specialities have previously won several awards both nationally and internationally.
This is also down to our commitment and responsibility to invest in sustainable product quality in future. Since 1 October 2016, our dairy farmers have consequently been feeding their dairy cows exclusively on European, GMO-free animal feeds and a high proportion of green fodder. Tirol Milch and Schärdinger dairy farmers will no longer use glyphosate from now on. “This relates to all of our dairy farmers’ fields and pastureland,” emphasises Managing Director Josef Braunshofer.
“Consumer confidence in our branded products is very high. As Austria’s leading producer of dairy products, it therefore made sense for us to introduce a ban on glyphosate,” says Sales and Marketing Director Gerald Kotzauer.