klima:aktiv award for Tirol Milch Wörgl
At the klima:aktiv conference on 5 December, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management awarded 35 Austrian companies the klima:aktiv prize for their exemplary commitment to energy efficiency.
Tirol Milch awarded the klima:aktiv prize for the Wörgl plant!
A selection of winning companies presented their measures at the conference, including Tirol Milch together with the Wörgl – Sorglos Energie public utilities. An exemplary waste heat extraction project aimed at making sensible use of industrial waste heat while increasing efficiency.
The klima:aktiv prize was awarded for the efficiency-increase and CO2-reduction project, conducted in collaboration with the Wörgl public utilities.
Various waste heat flows of Tirol Milch Wörgl were combined in an energy centre and distributed to the heating customers in Wörgl via a newly created heating network. The annual energy saving amounts to 12,800,000 kWH.
Tirol Milch and Berglandmilch are committed to using energy in a way that conserves resources. "In addition to financial aspects, careful and economical use of all sources of energy is an integral part of our corporate culture," said Managing Director Josef Braunshofer. By increasing operational energy efficiency, Berglandmilch makes a valuable contribution towards climate protection.
“As a klima:aktiv project partner, we made a voluntary commitment back in autumn 2014 to improving energy efficiency continuously in our plants,” said Josef Braunshofer, Managing Director of Berglandmilch eGen.

Wolfgang Dessl Berglandmilch, Stadtwerke Wörgl – Sorglos Energie, Othmar Frühauf, Lebensministerium Dr. Martina Schuster, Ing. Herbert Altendorfer GF Berglandmilch (f.l.t.r), Credits: Jana Madzigon

Tirol Milch, plant Wörgl