Schärdinger comes out top in natural yoghurt consumer test!
Austria’s favourite food brand has scored top marks in the latest natural yoghurt test conducted by the consumer association VKI for its “Konsument” magazine.
Fifty natural yoghurts that are sold on the Austrian market were put under the microscope: Many of the products scored well on microbiological criteria, but one Schärdinger yoghurt came out top among those tested by the professional tasters. Schärdinger Berghof Cremejoghurt scored the most points in the overall ranking and was awarded a test rating of “very good”.
Schärdinger Berghof Cremejoghurt is an especially creamy natural yoghurt with 4% fat and a fresh, full yoghurt flavour. It is made from 100% Austrian, GMO-free milk and is available in an environmentally friendly 400g carton.
Schärdinger Bifidus Joghurt was also given the rating very good. With its particularly mild taste, Bifidus Joghurt is a firm favourite among Austrians. It is made from 100% Austrian, GMO-free milk with bifidus cultures and healthy fibre.
The superior quality of Schärdinger’s dairy products had also been demonstrated in June this year, when the Austrian consumer association VKI awarded both Schärdinger Primina and Schärdinger churned butter a rating of “very good” in the butter test.
As well as tasting great on bread, it is also a popular ingredient in cooking and baking. The butter is made using only the finest Austrian, GMO-free milk. Around 22 litres of milk are needed to make one kilogramme of butter.
Schärdinger Primina, which impresses with its fine, fresh and sour taste, is available in a convenient, environmentally friendly 250g container. With its very smooth melting texture, Schärdinger churned butter is also a favourite among top chefs.